andy monk

If you'd like to keep up to date with my writing and my worlds please sign up below, in addition to two free prequels to my vampire series The Night's Road you'll receive regular updates on my current projects, forthcoming releases and bonus material. As of April 2024 I'll be sharing a free novel with my subscribers one chapter at a time as I write it. If you fancy going in for the read along, just pop your details below. Up till April 2024 my newsletters have been quarterly, but with the introduction of this read along serial, I'm planning* to send them out at least monthly going forward.
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* Be warned, I'm lousy at planning...
Sign up for Andy's newsletter and receive two free e-book prequel novellas to The Night's Road - The Burning & A House of the Dead.


Sometimes things go wrong, even with an operation as slick as mine. If you sign up for my newsletter and nothing appears in your inbox, don't panic! This isn't a scam, I really do give books away!
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If you whitelist my email ( that should ensure my emails get through, and there's a link below which will explain how to whitelist on all the major email service providers. Alternatively, I have a crack team on standby 24/7 poised to swing into action so you get your books. Just hit the button below and send an email and we'll move heaven and earth to make sure your books reach you.
Ok, I'll send another email. Honest!